Needs a lot of effort though: You need to eat properly, drink a lot, sleep often, wear warm clothes, stay inside during blizzards, and so on. You can get Frostfall and/or Realistic Needs and DIseases for a realistic but tough experience. There's also the Towns and Villages enhanced series, and you can look into installing an ENB, but it is very heavy on the framerate.ĮDIT: Decent ENB guide here: Examples of what the ENBs can do: ĮDIT 2: I also recommend Coverkhajiits, main font replacement, real effects candle, Static Mesh Improvement, W.A.T.E.R., unique uniques, Cloaks of Skyrim, Fantasy Music Overhaul, Climates of Tamriel, Sounds of Skyrim, Supreme storms, Helgen Reborn, Better Vampires, Equipping overhaul, Labeled mines, Moonlight Tales, the unofficial patches for skyrim and dlc, Argonian raptor feet, interesting NPCs, True Skyrim, Clanking Armor, Legend of Eagle's Nest, Silverfish Grotto, OBIS - Organised Bandits in Skyrim.ĮDIT 3: Mods that I consider essential: Alternate Start, SkyUI, SKSE.

I recommend aMidianborn Book of silence, which significally improves armor and weapon textures. Too lazy to explain now but I will if you ask. Just go to, make account, download manager. First of all get the Skyrim Nexus mod manager.